Thursday, April 20, 2023

Wild Wisteria

In the words of music reviewer Jon Wright: 'Fans of monumental Rock energies and emotionally available, deeply positive lyricism, will find themselves completely hooked by the sound and style of Wild Wisteria! Incredible overall sound! Start to finish.'

Wild Wisteria is both the band name and title track of the third album. The source of inspiration comes from the woody twining vine, with beautiful purple flowers, that will climb and tangle its tentacles around anything in its path. A wisteria plant is resilient and keeps coming back, no matter how often it is cut. Wild Wisteria seemed like a metaphor for the human qualities that singer-songwriter, Malcolm Raedel, most admires in life.

The song has been included on the compilation albums, "#1 Best Rock Singer Songwriters "and "Carefree Summer (25 Chill & Feel-Good Tunes)" on the Compigram label.

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